The GRCPAAA will be assisting the GRPD in their efforts to hold a BBQ and Auction Benefit for Officer Corey Hackenberg. For those who do not know, Officer Corey Hackenberg was involved in a very serious off-duty accident on August 8th. He was unconscious in ICU for 10 days and hospitalized another three weeks before being moved to rehabilitation. No one knows when Corey will complete his rehabilitation and be able to return to work. Corey is rapidly approaching the end of his paid vacation days and disability, even though many city employees donated some of their vacation days to help extend Corey’s paid absence from work. Corey needs help to pay for such things as his day-to-day expenses, mortgage payments, utility, and medical bills. We hope the proceeds from this Benefit will allow him to focus on his recovery and not his financial situation. In the meantime, keep praying for Corey and all of our police officers.